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发布时间:2019-03-18 | 发布者: 东东工作室 | 浏览次数:




  图 via BBC



  图 via WSJ

  The U.S. Department of Transportation is investigating the Federal Aviation Administration’s approval of Boeing Co.’s 737 MAX jetliners, according to people familiar with the probe, an unusual inquiry into potential lapses in federal safety approvals for new aircraft.


  ▲ FAA’s 737 MAX Approval Is Probed (via WSJ)



  图 via WSJ



  For many new airplane models, pilots train for hours on giant, multimillion-dollar machines, on-the-ground versions of cockpits that mimic the flying experience and teach them new features. But in the case of the Max, many pilots with 737 experience learned about the plane on an iPad.


  ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT)


  When Airbus announced in 2010 that it would introduce a new fuel-efficient and cost-effective plane, Boeing rushed to get out its own version. The strategy depended heavily on building a plane that worked essentially the same as the previous generation. Regulators agreed that it was a derivative model and that it didn’t require additional simulator training, a significant savings for airlines.


  ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT)


  Jim Albaugh and Nicole Piasecki, Boeing executives at the time, talking to reporters in 2011 about plans for the Max. Today, there is only one simulator specifically designed for the Max in the United States.


  “We would have liked to have had a simulator” from the start, said Jon Weaks, the president of the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association. “But it wasn’t practical, because it wasn’t built yet.”


  ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT)

  西南航空飞行员协会的培训负责人格雷格⋅鲍文(Greg Bowen)表示,航司的高层曾告诉他,设计模拟机软件所需的工程数据直到飞机快完工了才在最后时刻敲定。

  “They were building the airplane and still designing it,” Mr. Bowen said. “The data to build a simulator didn’t become available until about when the plane was ready to fly.”


  ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT)

  在美联航,飞行员们也经历着同样的事情。他们通过ipad软件学习了近两个小时波音提供的课程 ;连新机型都没见着没摸过的培训小组根据在模拟机中的驾驶经验整理了培训资料。这份资料里,对于新软件只字未提。

  When United was set to take delivery of the 737 Max in 2017, a group of pilots put together training materials without ever flying the aircraft or a full simulator. James LaRosa, a 737 captain and union official who helped lead the training group, said he flew to a Boeing training center in Seattle to learn about the new plane on a mock cockpit that didn’t move like typical simulators.
